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   Installing Ductwork: Guidelines    
The following information serves as a guideline only. Ductwork should be installed in accordance with local codes and restrictions. IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE INSTALLER TO CHECK LOCAL CODES BEFORE RUNNING DUCT.
  1. All exhaust ductwork must be installed in the most direct manner possible.
  2. Exhaust duct must be made of 16 gauge steel or 18 gauge stainless steel.
  3. Per NFPA-96-Chapter 3, all exhaust duct seams and joints must have a continuous liquid tight external weld.
  4. EXHUAST RISERS on the hood have been sized to achieve the velocity of 1500-2200 FPM (NFPA-96) based on the CFM required for the hood. Please be sure to maintain the area of each riser when connecting duct, offsets or transitions to it.
  5. Branches should enter at gradual expansions and at an angle of 30 degrees or less (preferred) to 45 degrees if necessary. Avoid "T" intersections.
  6. When a "PANTLEG DUCT" is required to bring two ducts into one exhaust fan, please observe the following:
    • Use ONLY radius back and radius throat elbows. (2 to 2.5 diameter center line radius is recommended)
    • Maintain the distance between the center line of exhaust ducts at a maximum of 12' apart.
    • The main duct going to the exhaust fan must be the sum of the area of the separate legs.
  7. MAKE-UP AIR RISERS are sized around 800-1200 FPM. Maintain this area when installing ducts.
  8. DO NOT use "flexible" type duct for make-up air duct, as it has higher pressure losses caused by the friction of the irregular inside duct surface. Only the rigid type duct installed in accordance with SMACNA/HVAC Duct Construction Standards will be acceptable.
  9. IMPORTANT: When a fusible link is installed in the make-up air damper at the hood collar, an access door must be cut into the make-up air duct by the installer.

   Installing the Pantleg Ductwork